Registered Massage Therapist

¡Hola! I'm Claudia, a passionate registered massage therapist originally from Chile, I moved to Calgary in 2000. My journey into the world of massage therapy began in 2015 when I decided to pursue certification at Makami College.

Having spent years working in an office, I intimately understand the toll that neck and back pain can take on one's well-being. This personal experience ignited my interest in the art of healing, motivating me to delve into the world of massage therapy to help others find relief.

In my free time, you'll find me indulging in the joys of cooking, baking, and cultivating my garden. Exploring the mountains with my beloved kids and dogs adds an adventurous touch to my life.

I specialize in assisting those dealing with whiplash and chronic headaches. I developed various massage techniques, with a special focus on pre and postnatal massage.

I look forward to being part of your wellness story!